Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dramatic Turn of Events

Well, a turn of opinion anyway.

Today, I had my second interview with PSU. I wasn't looking forward to it. This was the place that still had the Christmas Tree up in the lobby. It just felt dank and depressing. Today, however, felt ... different.

I met with the Chair - the current Chair, who is leaving and the one who is probably replacing her. I don't totally understand what a "Chair" is, but I think it's a faculty member who agrees to be the administrative head for awhile. Both were Eastern European and the questions seemed like no-brainers. I think I do well in interviews. I'm relaxed, conversational. Maybe I have an overly high opinion of myself, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to do any of the jobs I've been applying for, so I think I come across well.

Then I met with the Dean. He was lovely. We discussed our philosophies of management and academia and he was just wonderful. If I were reporting to him, it would be more appealing. But, at least the college is all under his leadership.

Then I met with an Accounting person (a lot of budgeting work in this job - whoo hoo). She, too, was lovely and personable. She's new to PSU and she really likes it there.

They'll be in touch with me soon.

According to my friend in HR, it's between me and one other person. The other person is the temp they had in place who no one liked, especially the Dean. I knew this going into it and so I asked the Dean why the position was open. He said that they had a temp in the position and they could have hired the temp or opened the position up for someone new, so he decided to open it up. To me, that sounds like she's not in the running as far as he's concerned.

Yesterday, I was all for Volunteers of America. I would be helping people, I would be writing (grants) and it would be oh so close to home that I could come home at lunch, get dinner put together and go back to work after a stroll around the prettiest park in the city. They would probably be flexible with my schedule. But, now, I'm not so sure.

PSU pays $5000-10,000 more and pays 100% family benefits and pension. For VOA, I would have to pay over $10,000 a year for insurance. So that's a $20,000 difference. Plus, tuition. Tuition! It's $30/credit or $400 per term for FT. Crazy! I could get a master's. I could get a bunch of master's or a doctorate or pick and choose. I could get an MFA in writing and then a MA in counseling and anything else that caught my fancy. I could go to lectures during my lunch hour. And the gym is 5 blocks away. And I could take the max (which is subsidized). I could get student discounts on all sorts of things. Oh, and 3 weeks vacation PLUS 3 weeks sick leave (cough, cough, can't come in today - please disregard the sound of the ocean in the background). Suddenly, Nike's amazing benefits don't seem so amazing anymore.

But, I don't know if they'd go for the every other Friday off. I really really want that. If they offer me the position, I would try to negotiate it, but I suspect I wouldn't get it. That would be a bummer.

Tomorrow is Papa Murphy's. I'll see what they have to offer. I suspect it's more money. Their benefits aren't bad, but they're nowhere near PSU level. If I don't get any offer by any of them by Monday, I am going to be going nuts. Tuesday we leave to visit my parents in Florida.

which had a big impact on my outlook. The job seems much better than it had originally and I met some great people in the department. Then I talked to my friend in HR who told me that PSU pays 100% medical, dentail, vision for the whole family plus they contribute 100% to pension, plus transportation fees, plus crazy crazy rates for tuition. So, to my surprise, I'm now leaning towards PSU. The bummer is that I don't think I could do the every-other Friday off, which would be too bad. But, I might just ask anyway!

I haven't heard from Volunteers of America yet. Seems weird. But their benefits were rough, financially. It would have a big impact on the total compensation. We'll see.

I have second interview for Papa Murphy's tomorrow.

Please let me know if anyone contacts you. As always, I appreciate the reference.


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